So where have we been?
The Beach (a whole post will come for that)
Doing a lot of this- swimming
(well that was until it got cold this week)
I have been training for this!
I must admit though football is just not the same without my daddy to watch it with.
We have not been in the hospital with Ansley!!
But unfortunately we have been in the hospital.
I have been meaning to update for awhile now but really have not sat down to take time and post. We had a GREAT time in FL. But you can hear more about that here.
Ansley started going to day care 2 days a week. She goes to therapy for an hour one of those days. She is doing really well. She loves school and enjoys playing with friends her age. I especially love my days of getting caught up around the house, exercising, grocery shopping, and most importantly spending time with Big Brother. Ansley is almost 11 months old now. We are about 3 months seizure free, yes that is correct- no seizures since leaving LeBonheur. She is pulling up and trying to cruise around. She loves crawling (it's more of an army crawl). She still has NO desire to eat anything other than her bottle. This to me is a pressing problem and I really want ALOT more therapy focus on it so hopefully we will see improvement soon.
Aiden is still staying at home with me all 5 days! Sometimes it can be a little overbearing but I know next year, when he starts Kindergarten, I will not get to keep him home with me when I want. He seems to be adjusting well to the changes of everything that has happened to us this year. He acts a bit still but he is 4. He is the smartest child I know (I'm biased) and loves to learn. He is working soo hard on his handwritting, which I have mentioned is bad, real bad. But now its getting A LOT better.
The hubs is still doing what he does best and working hard to provide for our family! When he is not working we have LOVED our days as a family doing anything or nothing.
ME- I am doing what I always do- being a house keeper, maid, cook, and MOMMY to these sweet babies! I have enjoyed the past weeks of hanging with my babies without a schedule or anything planned. But I know that will end sometime and I need to go back to work, I'm pretty confident I will try to go back to working in Jan. Until last week I was working hard at my training for the St Jude half marathon and getting my prebaby body back. However last weekend I had a severe pain in my stomach and side. After a little conviencing from Brandon I decided I needed to head to the ER (we hadn't been the hospital all month so why not? ha). After seeing the doc and having a ct scan, I was being put to sleep and undergoing surgery to remove my Appendix. YUCK! I have recovered well and feeling ALOT better now however I can not lift anything over 10 lbs for 6 weeks. Which means I can not pick up Ansley to feed her, change her, rock her, bathe her.... SO of course my mother and mother in law have stepped in again. They are taking turns staying with me when Brandon is working. My training has been placed on hold and hopefully soon I can get back to it.
I again apologize for the 2 months of silence from the blog I will TRY better.
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