Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I had good intentions

I had great intentions of keeping my blog updated and of course I failed miserably! You will probably never see another picture posted on my blog because we no longer have a useable computer. I do everything on my iPad and Unfortunately I can not upload pics on to my blog from here! So here is what my family has been up to: BUSY!!! Aiden- He's still going through the disobedient, terrible 2's. Haha yes he is 4! He has loved staying at home with me but he definitely needs to go back to day care. He will start pre-k this year! :( I'm sure he will love it, he needs to be challenged a bit. He is very very smart but really lacks in his handwriting so I'm excited for someone else to work with him in that area. Ansley- 7.5 months old, 15.14 pounds, REFUSES to eat any food, (doctor said its ok as long as she takes a bottle), sitting up, scooting on her belly but not crawling. Her neurologist and pediatrician expect that she will be delayed but so far she's on track developmentally! She is still having pretty consistent seizures. I was praying to get them under control before going back to work but unfortunately that won't happen obviously.... Me- work??? Yes I was offered a job in a local school system doing Speech. They currently have a Speech Pathologist in the Pre K- 3rd grade so I will be in working with 4th grade and up. I'm very excited yet very nervous to leave Ansley! I have enjoyed being with my kids all day but stay at home mom is not cut out for me! I'm soo incredibly tired when Brandon gets off. When he works nights he is gone all night and sleeps all day so for those days and nights we see him about 2 hrs in the 24 hr day. But I'm so proud of my husband he has worked soo hard to support our family. He's working lots of overtime so we can pay Ansley's medical bills (which are INSANE) without withdrawing money from savings. I'm so thankful for such a hard working hubby! It has now been almost 2 months that I lost my daddy and I still miss him like it was yesterday. Not a day has passed that I haven't cried missing him. People tell me Ansley looks like my dad and I wish soo bad he could hear that, it would light up his world. My mom is still having a VERY HARD time. She receieved the death certificate last week so she has been busy taking care of paperwork. We are praying things we slow up soon and ease up the pain. As for now that's the recap on our life! :)

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