Saturday, August 30, 2008

It's Here

Finally my (Renee) favorite season is here....FOOTBALL SEASON! Strange as it is I'm the huge sports fanatic in our family, that's a big thanks to growing up in a house full of men that wait all year for football season also.

So this weekend I introduced Aiden to my favorite Saturday hobby from Sept.-Nov. Here is a little glimpse of Aiden enjoying watching my favorite teams Mississippi State and TN play! (I'm purposely not mentioning the outcome of both games- I forgot to mention I'm also a sore loser).

Ready for the game to begin or atleast I think I am! Look mommy I can crawl- well almostYAHHH the dawgs are winning- for just a little while atleast!
BOOO HOOO they lost- NO ACTUALLY mommy yelled and it made me upset! Sad the dawgs lost
Aunt Carolyn, Uncle B, and Ella came to watch the game with us!Ella is really excited about her 1st game too! Oh my goodness I can't watch this anymore- actually he just got tangled in the blanket, it was so funny! he finally found his way out of the blanket! Hey MOM!
BOOO HOOO the VOLS lost too or maybe I'm just really sleepy!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finally 7 month pics


We are very ready for the game of Saturday! Go State!

Eating peaches from his munchkin feeder!
Playing with Quinton

Here he goes after the newspaper again!

He loves to eat these biter biscuits!

New Do and New Pics

Got my hair cut today:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Crawling is on the way

Aiden has surpassed the scooting and has now gone to the "worm". He literally looks like he is doing the worm when he crawls. He just can't get the hang of putting his hands and knees on the ground at the same time. I have so many pictures and videos to put up but my internet access at home will not cooperate (I'm updating from work). As soon as we get it fixed I will have many pics to update.

We had a great weekend. Sunday we were able to go hear my brother, Jay, preach in Dyersburg. He preached on stewardship... too bad I don't have a cd of the sermon because it was great. It was a good reminder that sometimes we get caught up on wanting material things and forget it's not ours anyway. Repaying the one who gave us these things is only a small (tiny) thing we as Christians can do. It shouldn't be a project to give back to the Lord, it's an opportunity! I personally sometimes forget that.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Sorry I don't have the link but Aiden made his first appearance in the newspaper today- The Jackson Sun. I took a picture so you can see it!

Also Brandon really wants me to let everyone know Aiden has accomplished saying DaDa! He will look at me and Brandon and repeat MaMa DaDa MaMa DaDa...... it is so great!

Another GREAT accomplishment- he is scooting everywhere. He is trying so hard to crawl but just can't get the hang of putting his knees under him. , hopefully soon!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

6 month old professional pic

Here a FEW of Aiden's 6 month professional pics (we are a little late on getting them made).

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mom- Ma

Well Aiden has now spoke his first word......Mom Ma. My (Renee) mother and I were shopping this weekend and as I walked away from my mother and Aiden I heard this voice (very familiar) say Ma Ma Ma Ma. I ran back over to my mother because I was very shocked Aiden was saying a new syllable- M. Now when I leave a room, you immediatly hear MOM- MA! When he wakes in the morning he will lay in his bed and yell Mom Ma Mom Ma Mom Ma.
There is NOTHING in the entire world better than the first time your child says your name. I was very shocked considering most children's first words are dada. We are working VERY hard on Da Da and everytime he says MomMa Brandon is quick to respond to him with "DaDa".

I also got new camera this weekend and was so excited to post all my pics and instead of pushing the upload button on my computer I pressed format and there went all my pics. I will get more ASAP!

Friday, August 15, 2008

and the search continues

We had a very strange discovery this week- Aiden loves the sippy cup; Aiden hates juice! For a child that at 6 months old can eat more than mommy or daddy, not liking juice is very strange to me. I found this out simply by putting water in Aidens cup and watching him go to town drinking on it. Aiden has always liked water from my cup but most babies don't prefer water over juice- Thank goodness Aiden does (for now atleast)! This is the first time in 15 months Aiden has saved me money! :)

This week was my (Renee) birthday and Aiden gave me the best card any mother could ever ask for. I took pictures for everyone to see! Even though birthdays are always fun and the week should be enjoyable this week was a HORRIBLE week for the Cox family. We are still living with my parents (but very ready to have our own place and our little family back to it's normal routine). I mentioned we are going to build and yesterday was our scheduled day to have our house plans drawn up. At the beginning of the week all plans crumbled. The landowner we were buying land from decided not to sale. Makes it hard to build when we have no land and we know no one else in that area wanting to sale land, therefore we didn't get our home plans drawn. So here it is 2 weeks after our move and still no home, no decisions made, and still NO OPTIONS! Frustrated?? I would say so! Please keep our family in your prayers!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sippy Cup Adventure

This weekend we tried taking on the sippy cup. It definitely did not work. Aiden was not the least bit interested in drinking juice. He would much rather have a bottle or water from a straw, but juice from a sippy cup..not happening right now! We took the stopper out of the cup and just let the juice drip into his mouth but he just did not like the apple juice. First time ever Aiden has rejected food or drink (besides rice). However I did find when I mixed rice (which he hates) with diluted juice he would destroy it in seconds. We had a great weekend but VERY busyfull of Birthday celebrations- Aunt Carolyns on the 10th, Cousin Baylee's on the 11th, and MOMMY'S on the 12th! Also you will notice the many different outfits in the pics- lately we have gone through 3-5 outfits a day!

He put his mouth on it and that was about it for the sippy cup and juice! He loves playing with mommy's phone so he got his own.
we can't wait until football seasonPlaying in his swing outsideOk mommy I'm ready to ride when are we going to the river! He loves this tube!Aiden and mommy getting ready for Baylee's birthday party!HANDSOME LITTLE MAN!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers